Wesley Willis

Rock N Roll McDonalds

I Wupped Batman's Ass

Wesley Willis' Distinctive Marking | Bytes #shortsfeed

They Threw Me Out Of Church

Suck A Caribou's Ass

Wesley Willis - Merry Christmas (Official Video)

Vampire Bat

The Chicken Cow

Wesley Willis - 'Fear The Mullet'

King Of Fire

Rock N Roll McDonalds - Wesley Willis (cover)

Kurt Cobain

I'm Sorry That I Got Fat (With The Wesley Willis Fiasco)

My Mother Smokes Crack Rocks

Wesley Willis - 'Guns N Roses'

Wesley Willis - 'My Daddy Got Arrested'

Wesley Willis - I hate being broke

Steamed Hams but it's sung by Wesley Willis: Our Lord and Savior

Wesley Willis - 'I'm Shooting Out Your Lights' (Prisonshake version)

Chronic Schizophrenia

Wesley Willis - Chronic Schizophrenia Tutorial

Wesley Willis - '100 Years in Prison'

Wesley Willis - Pink Floyd
